Anyways, this is going to be one of my more serious posts.
My cousin posted this video on her facebook not too long ago and the title caught my attention. And like anything that catches my attention, I decided to watch the video. Here is the video:
However, after watching several responses to the video, I felt compelled to make my own response to it...BLOG STYLE!
Before I make my response, let me say this. I was born in the Philippines and moved to the U.S. when I was 3 1/2 years old. I literally grew up in the U.S. and have visited the Philippines MULTIPLE times. I LOVE the Philippines, it will always be considered my birthplace and home.
Now that is all said and done, lets get on with the show.
1. Large hole in the middle of the street, put a garbage can in it.
Honestly, this minuscule thing never bothered me...for the sole reason that I never notice it before. I tend not to focus on large holes in the Philippines...
2. Being asked to buy Cialis on the street and random dude grabbing my (his) crotch.
Eh, never been approached by a random stranger trying to sell me drugs. However, I do empathize with him on some random guy grabbing on my crotch. If that was me, the guy will be lucky a owner of a pretty shiner.
3. Lack of sanitation
Probably the reason why we normally eat at restaurants and not at open street markets where he's at. But, to each their own, I guess...
4. MILF (Moro Islamic Liberation Front)
Not gonna lie, I'm slightly ignorant on this topic...aside from knowing that they're an Islamist group. I can't really say anything about it.
5. Unsafe construction site/not compelled to finish construction
Okay, i'll tackle not finishing construction first. WHY THE F*** ARE WE PAYING YOU FOR THEN!!! Oh, lookie here...I see an empty space...lets fill it up with unfinished construction. Seriously, it's just a waste of money to start building something and not finishing it. Finish what you start. And as for unsafe working environment...I can't even. This is probably why they can't finish construction...too many people getting injured/killed/not wanting to take the job because it's too dangerous that they have to stop construction.
6. Wanting to be white.
Okay, to understand have to understand this little historical tidbit. If you had dark skin, you were considered in the lower class, mainly the farmers. Think about it, your skin is exposed to the sun for long periods of time tending to the field. If you had lighter skin, you were in the upper class. The upper class could afford servants to shelter them from the sweltering heat and sun. With that said...BE PROUD WITH WHAT YOU GOT! Dark skin, light skin...WHATEVER! (My honest opinion) You changing any aspect of who you are makes me believe you are ashamed of yourself. NEVER BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELF. If God (or whatever higher power you believe in ) wanted you to be white...He would've made you white...end of story.
7. Lots of traffic which leads to lots of pollution
Lots of people on a small island...what do you expect? I know that the government is doing what they can on this...but still. A lot of people on a little island need to get somewhere, somehow.
8. Wrapping everything you buy in a plastic bag and stapling receipts
I have to agree with him on this. I really never understood why they did this. If it was something small enough that I can just drop it on my bag, I just tell them not to wrap it. I personally think wrapping it and stapling the receipt is a total waste of time (theirs and ours).
9. Crappy drivers
More like drivers who don't bother with traffic laws...if there is any...
10. Crappy Bathrooms
This is the reason why I judge everywhere I go/stay by their bathrooms. Like him, I always wondered why there were missing toilet seats in the Philippines. It's like they're gold or something. Reason why I rarely use public restrooms in the Philippines...unless i'm in a really nice restaurant or hotel. And if worst comes to worst and I have to use a public restroom...I only do #1...and bring kleenex...and hand sanitizer.
11. Security guards everywhere
This one also baffles me. I never really understood why there are security guards EVERYWHERE. I know when I go to places, there is security, but most of the time...they're usually hidden or walking around. Most of the time, the security guards in the Philippines are just sitting there. And it always seems like they aren't doing anything or not doing their job properly.
12. Peeing anywhere and everywhere
Yea...disgusting...can't say much about it...
13. "Frisking"
O_o yea...probably more effective to just install a metal detector everywhere...
14. The constant honking
In all honestly, never really realized or paid attention to it.
15. Small napkins
This part made me laugh. Again...never really realized this or paid attention to it. This guy got a little nit picky sometimes
16. Begging children
This I have a problem with and one of the things that makes me cringe about the Philippines. There was one video response to this video in which one kid says that this is "normal" and "what we have always grew up with." (he was responding the video in general, mind you) That literally pissed me off. I don't care who the hell you are...but begging children being pimped out is not "normal" and not something we have to grow up with. If anything else, I wish the Filipino government would do something about this. It is wrong for children to beg for money or food on the streets. Or being pimped out by their parents or other people to get them money. Children should be going to school and getting an education in order to better themselves and their future.
17. The crowing of cocks
This only annoys me in the early hours of the day when I still want to continue sleeping. Once I wake up...their crows are pushed to the back of my mind and pretty much nonexistent to me during the day.
18. Blasting music during the nightlife
Never really bothered me since we usually lived far away from those places and plus it never bothered me. But I understand how others would find it annoying.
19. Cockroaches everywhere
Yea...I hate cockroaches...and they are everywhere...
20. Tips for anything is pretty annoying. And most of the time...they're not helping.
21. The Ladyboys
One of the funniest points in the video. I nearly cracked up. With that said...I'm honestly glad that my parents and relatives never showed me this aspect of nightlife in the Philippines.
22. All those Koreans
Never encountered them in the Philippines...
23. Motorcyclists
Never really paid attention to them in the first place. However, I do pay attention to the ones that rev up their engines REALLY loud...they must have a small penis...
And that is pretty much my response to all the things he pointed out in the video.
Like I said, some of the stuff in the video are pretty funny. But others expose the harsh truth about certain aspects in the Philippines.
It's a tough pill to swallow...but I believe that it's time certain things in the Philippines changes.
Thanks for reading!
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