Monday, December 31, 2012

What are you doing New Year's Eve?

Wow...December 31, 2012 already?  I would be lying if I said that the year went by pretty quickly.  Because, for me, it didn't.  It didn't go painstakingly slow either.  It was normal speed for me.  At least for the first half.

Let's have a quick run through, shall we?

The start of my 2012 was filled with uncertainty about my future.  I was preparing to take my GRE's for the second time and finishing up grad school applications.  However, like many people, I have the voice of doubt floating around in the back of my head.  I usually ignore this voice, but my defenses were low at this time, which made me susceptible to its words.  The one statement that the voice of doubt kept going through my head was "What if you don't get into any grad school?  What will you do?"  

Now, i'm not ashamed to admit that I didn't get a job after graduating from UT in May 2011.  There were many others who didn't.  But I always planned on going to grad school.  And that is where my plans stopped (or rather, my future plans relied on me getting into and graduating from grad school.)  I never planned on taking a break from school, but in all honesty, I was just mentally exhausted from playing catch-up my last 2 1/2 years at UT that I decided to take a break.  

Luckily, I did get into grad school.  Getting that e-mail from UTSA to claim my ID was probably one of the best e-mails I've ever gotten.  I was happy (not as happy as when I got my UT acceptance letter in fall '06...but happy nonetheless).  This train had been stuck at the same station for too long and needed a new destination to explore.  This book needed a new chapter.  

Now the rest of the year was all a blur.  Needed to find an apartment, buying stuff for my apartment, get my shot (ugh!), register for classes, get my books, get my parking tag, move to San Antonio, etc. etc.

And then I was back in my element of being a student.  Reading intellectual literature, attending lecture, taking notes, assignments/homework, studying, taking tests, writing papers, and repeat!  As much as I hated doing all that as an undergrad at was nice being in a familiar atmosphere.  

And I DEFINITELY would not have survived my first semester of grad school if not for the AMAZING people I met through the know who you are ;-).  You may not know it, but my interaction with y'all is probably why I didn't go completely insane.  

Was 2012 the best year ever?  To be honestly truthful...I don't know.  I think 2012 is too fresh in my mind to completely declare it as "The Best Year Ever!"  Ask me again in about 5 years, in which i've had enough time to grow and develop as a person and am able to compare it to what I have done throughout the years.

Was it a good year?  Oh, most definitely!  Any year in which I can spend time with the best family and friends a girl can ask for is always a good year...and maybe the best (but, that is pretty much every year :-D). Hm...I may have answered my question in the previous paragraph.

So...time for New Year's resolutions:

1.  Continue with the good grades in the Counseling program and give a little bit more effort into the program (Going to need that extra push...taking 4 classes)

2.  In the midst of all that schooling, find somewhere to relax and ENJOY LIFE!  (Because you only have ONE)

3.  Dust off that Nintendo Wii and get back to using the Wii Fit.  (I've been neglecting it since moving to San Antonio...oops!)

4.  Try to eat veggies least every other day! (Gotta be healthy, right?)

5.  Read a book every weekend. (I've also been neglecting reading [i'm not talking about textbooks] the minuscule library in my apartment, filled with books that I have not read.  And season is in its last stretches, what else am I supposed to do on the weekends?)

6. Write in this blog more consistently. (Eh, we'll see how this goes...)

Time to spend New Year's Eve in the company of family and friends.  And SHOPPING TOMORROW!!! ;-)

2013...BRING. IT. ON.


Thursday, October 25, 2012

When I was just a little girl, I asked my mother "What will I be?"

Wow...2 weeks have already flown by since my last post!  I have a very good reason for that!  School has "officially" caught up with me and I had to buckle down and study my little tushy off.

I had a test every week since my last post...and I had a research proposal to finish off.  I was one busy little grad student.  I still have 1 more test upcoming...but it's one of my "least" concerned exams, he gives us a study guide...which is pretty much the exam.

This post is sort of related to that class.  My upcoming exam on Tuesday is Career Development and Choice.  It's pretty self's a theories based class on career choices and how we can help our clients choose a career.  As part of the class, we take all these questionnaires that we can provide to our future/potential clients (if we decide to pursue a career in career counseling).  

The first test/questionnaire that we took is the Strong Interest Inventory.  In short, based on our interests, it will choose possible career choices for us.

Here are my results...with my my own insights on each one:

1. Mental Health Counselor
Well what do you know, this is the reason why i'm obtaining my master's degree.  I somewhat found it funny that it was my first choice.  Just an additional tidbit...I really want to work with children and families...

2.  Production Worker
I know this occupation sounds very self-explanatory, but I honestly had to look it up.  Based on my research, it looks like manual to people who has this occupation, but definitely not for me.

3.  Financial Analyst
According to O*NET, this occupation "conduct[s] quantitative analyses of information affecting investment programs of public or private institutions."  Say what?  I guess it sounds interesting (the pay is REALLY good) but it's definitely not me.  Sounds like a lot of number crunching, economics, and accounting...which is very far from the degree that I graduated with.

4.  Social Worker
I HIGHLY respect these people.  I worked closely with them when I was a CASA volunteer and for all that they do...they need to get more.  Mind you, I know there are the good ones and the bad ones (which is found in any occupation), but honestly, these people do a lot of work and I feel that they're under appreciated most of the time.

5.  Speech Pathologist
I actually considered pursuing this after my BA at UT.  However, I looked at all the requirements and it was going to take sometime to complete it, since my degree was nowhere NEAR this field.  I eventually lost interest in pursuing it, because in the end, it was not what intentionally saw myself doing in the future.  It is a wonderful career choice though.

6.  Advertising Account Manager
I had a good idea what this occupation does, but I still looked it up on O*NET anyways.  O*NET describes this occupation as "plan, direct, or coordinate advertising policies and programs or produce collateral materials, such as posters, contests, or give-aways, to create extra interests in the purchase of a product or service for a department, an entire organization, or on an account basis."  Talk about a lot of pressure and work, right?  I mean, i'm up for it...but it's not something that I find myself doing as a career.  I find myself creative at certain times...but I don't know if I can stake my livelihood on it.

7.  Paralegal
No...just plain no.  I remembered always wanting to become a lawyer when I was younger...but it was a phase of childhood that eventually got pushed out...

8.  Artist
I'm creative...but I don't think I have the creativity to become an artist.  My dad is the artist...and unfortunately, he did not pass that artistic gene to me.

9.  Buyer
I actually started laughing at this.  If you know me...I absolutely LOVE to shop...and this is the closest occupation to fulfilling that love I have with shopping.  But the thing is...I like shopping for myself. I don't know if I can do this for a company though.  It sounds like a career from "Sex and the City". Thanks, but no thanks (it would've been an interesting idea, if I thought about it sooner).

10.  Facilities Manager
I don't even know what this is, but it sounds like i'm going to be some sort of boss.  I'm not boss material.  I don't mind being a follower (not a drone though). to this one.

And those are my top 10 compatible career choices.  I kinda found them interesting.

Well...that is all for now.  I'm hoping I can get another post by next week.  It may be Diary of a Grad Student pt. 2...since I will have finished all my exams at that point.  

I can't believe i'm more than halfway done with my first semester as a grad student.  It seems like only yesterday that I got my acceptance letter and an hr ago that I started my first grad class.  Time sure does fly by...the next thing I know...i'll be graduating...WOOHOO!

Until next time!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Diary of a Grad Student pt. 1

I know I said I was going to update this darn thing last week...but school life has officially jumped my bones.

There's just a big part of me that wants this month to be over with.  What is even worse is that it's my birthday month!  I'm turning the "big" 2-4 next week (Yikes! Already?).  I just really want to relax on my birthday, maybe possibly make that short drive down to Austin and visit some friends.  But I have this HUGE Counseling theories and research proposal due that next week.

Every week starting next week, i'll be having some sort of test or project due.  And there just seems not enough hours in the day or days in the week for me to complete it all.  The program I'm in requires me to maintain a 3.0 GPA...which I feel is not too much to ask.  

But I feel it's such a disservice to students to smash 10 chapters into a 50 question test.  Now, if these chapters were only 10 pages long (5 pages front and back) I can understand this.  It's easier for me to learn if I can chunk my information a little at a time.  But these chapters are relatively long...not uber long...but long enough.  I feel that right now, I have a general understanding of each chapter.  Not detailed enough (that is where studying comes in handy).

I keep telling myself (and others) this, but I feel like i'm more of a student now, than when I was an undergrad at UT. When I wake up, I re-read the reading for the class that day and outline the chapter.  This is mainly because two of the textbooks that I have I will have to return and I want to make sure that I have the information I need for when I study for my comps and take my licensing exam.

I honestly shouldn't be complaining of all the crap I have to do. I know some of my classmates have full/part-time jobs, boyfriends/girlfriends, and kids on top of all this school stuff and they're somehow managing.  I'm very fortunate and lucky that I have a loving family that had the foresight to save for my college education and are not forcing me to have a job at the moment to pay for bills.  I'm single (happily) and have no kids (not anytime soon) to take care of.  My parents made sure that my sole priority as I obtain my Master's degree is ME, MYSELF, and I.

Ugh, I sound like bratty kid (which I know i'm not) complaining about how the world is against me and how life is unfair.  I swear this is not me complaining (okay, maybe it is).  I guess it's more frustration than anything else.  

Oh well, I guess we are just trying to do the best with what we've got.  Hey!  That's something that I learned in class!

I'll write on here sometime this weekend...or even next week, if I find the time to fit it into all my studying.

Have a lovely day!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Beginning of a New Chapter...

I HIGHLY apologize for not updating my blog in 2 1/2 months (if someone out there is actually reading this blog).  But I have a really great excuse!  For people that I know and follow this blog, you will know that I just started my life as a grad student.  

Between the summer of 2011 and 2012, I've been pretty much bumming off my parents and volunteering for CASA (which was a great experience by the way...).  I've always planned on going to grad school, but I never really knew what I wanted to study.  However, with volunteering with CASA (however short it was...) made me realize that I wanted to enter into a profession that helps people.  Therefore, I am now at The University of Texas at San Antonio pursuing a Master's degree in Counseling, with a focus on Community Counseling.  

I have A LONG tirade about the whole applying and accepting into the program (if you really want to know, just ask me)...but that is not why you are here.  From the end of July to now...i've been busy finding my apartment, getting things for my apartment, moving in, getting settled, program orientation, and finding a stable...err...rhythm (?) of my grad school life.  And i'm just now officially settled into my life.  

However, the semester is starting to really get going, with tests, research, papers, etc.  

That is why I decided to continue with this blog (hopefully?) to keep myself sane through these next 2 years.  This will be still be a smorgasbord of topics...but i'm planning to be a little bit more consistent with it.  

It'll be half  "Diary of a Grad Student" and "Whatever the Hell Comes to my Mind"...but expect Mon-Wed. to be more of "Diary" and Thur-Fri more of "My Mind."

To kick things off...I'm planning on starting the whole "Diary of a Grad Student" next week.  Tonight, i'm going to recap my 2 week stay in Europe this summer (which was partially AMAZING!!!).  

Stay tuned!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Bless your soul, You got your in the Clouds

AHHHHHHHH!!!  Tomorrow is the day!!!  ACK...I'm soooo excited.

So, the whole family is in the midst of last minute stuff and packing...which is to be expected.

Today's final sneak peek destination will be the wonderful city of Prague.  

Prague is pretty much my final "Must-see-city-before-I-die" (not really...I pretty much want to see the world before I die).  I'M UBER excited to visit this city!

Without further ado...

Charles Bridge

Prague Castle

Astronomical Clock

St. Vitus Cathedral

Golden Lane

(I honestly can't tell if this is a painting or not)

Lennon Wall

St. Nicholas Church

Strahov Monastery


Wallenstein Garden and Palace

The Powder Gate

St. George's Basilica

And I think i'll end it here for now.  There are a BUNCH of other places that appeared to be interesting, but i'll show that when I come back in July.  

Well...that is it for my sneak peak into my trip.  I hope that i'll be able to see the places (and others that I probably didn't put on here).

I'll try to upload another post tomorrow...but we'll see!

Until next time!

Monday, June 18, 2012

Don't go Wasting Your Emotions...

Yes, that was ABBA...

Anyways...Sorry for not posting the past two days.  I was intentionally planning on dedicating a new post on Saturday, but I had too many emotions going on after watching the recent episode of Legend of Korra.  And don't expect any posts on Sundays...because that's my funday/lazy day.

ONLY 2 MORE DAYS UNTIL I LEAVE!!! WOOHOO!!!  Getting excited...and doing some last minute shopping :-D

So, today we'll be visiting Budapest...the capital of Hungary.  This city was on my bucket list...but was always in the back burner.

In all honesty, I kinda mapped out the days that we're going to be in Europe and I have the gutsy feeling that we're probably not going to be able to visit all these places...which kinda makes me feel sad.  I really hope that we can visit these places on this one trip...I don't care how exhausted I am...I believe it will be worth it.


Magyar Allami Operahaz (Hungarian State Opera House)

Halaszbastya (Fisherman's Bastion)

St. Stephen's Basilica

Orszaghaz (Parliament)

Hosok Tere (Heroe's Square)

Kiralyi Palota (Buda Castle - Royal Palace

Matyas Templom (Matthias Church)

Vajdahunyad Castle 

It appears that there are a lot of museums in Budapest (duh...of course Kristina!).  I guess I have to come back when I have much more time on my hands so that I can visit them.  Maybe a week in the future, perhaps...WHO WANTS TO COME!?!?!?!

Tomorrow will be my last post (until I come back on July) and it will be dedicate to Prague!

Friday, June 15, 2012

Je ne veux pas travailler, Je ne veux pas déjeuner, Je veux seulement l'oublier

Again, it's another Pink Martini listening day.  This song is called "Sympathique" and I find it to be a "lazy day" kind of song that you just want to bop your head to.  Here is the song...give it a listen:

The blog post title doesn't really reflect the destination, but what I was listening to at the moment.  For those rusty on French, here is a translation with the help of my own VERY rusty french (which I can't believe that I still remember) and google translate: "I don't want to work, I don't want lunch, I just want to forget."


I'm going to be really honest, I have never heard of the city of Bratislava...but I have heard of Slovakia and Bratislava (from what I found out) is the capital of Slovakia and is very close to the Austrian border.  I hope I don't insult someone by stating this (not that I believe that many Slovakians [?] are reading this). 

After some digging in the interwebs about the city of Bratislava...I get the impression of a nice, quaint city that will give anyone a nice break from the hustle and bustle of the more popular, bigger, European cities (such as Venice, London, Paris, etc.).

What I would like to see in Bratislava:

Bratislava Castle

Hlavne Namestie (Main Square)

Devin Castle

St. Martin's Cathedral

Michalska Brana (Michael's Gate)

Grassalkovish Palace (aka The Slovakian White House)

Modry Kostolik Church (Blue Church)

Primacialny Palac (Primates' Palace <--There better be a good story to this name)

I get the impression that Bratislava will be like a hidden jewel (and hopefully not too big of crowds even though it will be peak tourist season) and will be a great place for me to visit.  As much as I like visiting the well known places (Florence, Paris, Rome, etc.) I think it will be nice seeing somewhere that maybe not too many people visit.  I guess most people tend to focus on the big name cities and forget the "smaller" known cities that have just the same beauty as London, Paris, Vienna, and so on and so forth.

But I don't discriminate on destinations.  If the place looks interesting...give me a plane ticket and i'm off!

Oh well...less people to deal with I guess ;-)

Tomorrow will be Budapest!

See you tomorrow!