Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Diary of a Grad Student pt. 1

I know I said I was going to update this darn thing last week...but school life has officially jumped my bones.

There's just a big part of me that wants this month to be over with.  What is even worse is that it's my birthday month!  I'm turning the "big" 2-4 next week (Yikes! Already?).  I just really want to relax on my birthday, maybe possibly make that short drive down to Austin and visit some friends.  But I have this HUGE Counseling theories and research proposal due that next week.

Every week starting next week, i'll be having some sort of test or project due.  And there just seems not enough hours in the day or days in the week for me to complete it all.  The program I'm in requires me to maintain a 3.0 GPA...which I feel is not too much to ask.  

But I feel it's such a disservice to students to smash 10 chapters into a 50 question test.  Now, if these chapters were only 10 pages long (5 pages front and back) I can understand this.  It's easier for me to learn if I can chunk my information a little at a time.  But these chapters are relatively long...not uber long...but long enough.  I feel that right now, I have a general understanding of each chapter.  Not detailed enough (that is where studying comes in handy).

I keep telling myself (and others) this, but I feel like i'm more of a student now, than when I was an undergrad at UT. When I wake up, I re-read the reading for the class that day and outline the chapter.  This is mainly because two of the textbooks that I have I will have to return and I want to make sure that I have the information I need for when I study for my comps and take my licensing exam.

I honestly shouldn't be complaining of all the crap I have to do. I know some of my classmates have full/part-time jobs, boyfriends/girlfriends, and kids on top of all this school stuff and they're somehow managing.  I'm very fortunate and lucky that I have a loving family that had the foresight to save for my college education and are not forcing me to have a job at the moment to pay for bills.  I'm single (happily) and have no kids (not anytime soon) to take care of.  My parents made sure that my sole priority as I obtain my Master's degree is ME, MYSELF, and I.

Ugh, I sound like bratty kid (which I know i'm not) complaining about how the world is against me and how life is unfair.  I swear this is not me complaining (okay, maybe it is).  I guess it's more frustration than anything else.  

Oh well, I guess we are just trying to do the best with what we've got.  Hey!  That's something that I learned in class!

I'll write on here sometime this weekend...or even next week, if I find the time to fit it into all my studying.

Have a lovely day!

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