I HIGHLY apologize for not updating my blog in 2 1/2 months (if someone out there is actually reading this blog). But I have a really great excuse! For people that I know and follow this blog, you will know that I just started my life as a grad student.
Between the summer of 2011 and 2012, I've been pretty much bumming off my parents and volunteering for CASA (which was a great experience by the way...). I've always planned on going to grad school, but I never really knew what I wanted to study. However, with volunteering with CASA (however short it was...) made me realize that I wanted to enter into a profession that helps people. Therefore, I am now at The University of Texas at San Antonio pursuing a Master's degree in Counseling, with a focus on Community Counseling.
I have A LONG tirade about the whole applying and accepting into the program (if you really want to know, just ask me)...but that is not why you are here. From the end of July to now...i've been busy finding my apartment, getting things for my apartment, moving in, getting settled, program orientation, and finding a stable...err...rhythm (?) of my grad school life. And i'm just now officially settled into my life.
However, the semester is starting to really get going, with tests, research, papers, etc.
That is why I decided to continue with this blog (hopefully?) to keep myself sane through these next 2 years. This will be still be a smorgasbord of topics...but i'm planning to be a little bit more consistent with it.
It'll be half "Diary of a Grad Student" and "Whatever the Hell Comes to my Mind"...but expect Mon-Wed. to be more of "Diary" and Thur-Fri more of "My Mind."
To kick things off...I'm planning on starting the whole "Diary of a Grad Student" next week. Tonight, i'm going to recap my 2 week stay in Europe this summer (which was partially AMAZING!!!).
Stay tuned!
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